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Best Buy Citi Credit Card Rental Car Coverage

MasterCard cardmembers can benefit from the security and safety offered through MasterRental Insurance. If you rent a vehicle for fifteen (15) consecutive days or less with your MasterCard card, you may be eligible for benefits under this coverage. MasterRental is an insurance program.

Key terms:

  • You or Yours means MasterCard cardmember.
To get coverage:
  • Initiate and pay for the entire rental agreement/contract (tax, gasoline, and airport fees are not considered rental charges) with your MasterCard card. If a rental company promotion/discount of any kind is initially applied toward payment of the rental vehicle, at least one (1) day of rental must be billed to your MasterCard card.
  • You must decline the Collision/Damage Waiver offered by the vehicle rental company.
  • You must rent the vehicle in your own name and sign the vehicle rental agreement/contract.
  • Your rental agreement/contract must be for a rental period of fifteen (15) consecutive days or less. Rental periods that exceed, or are intended to exceed, fifteen (15) consecutive days are not covered.
  • You must rent a vehicle (including minivans and sport utility vehicles that are designed to accommodate nine passengers or fewer) that is intended for bound surfaces, such as concrete or tarmac. Rented vehicles must have a manufacturer's suggested retail price of $50,000 or less.
The kind of coverage you receive:
  • MasterRental will pay for covered damages on a secondary basis only for which you are, or any other authorized driver is, legally responsible to the rental agency.
  • Covered damages include:
    1. Physical damage to and theft of the vehicle, not to exceed the limits outlined below.
    2. Reasonable loss-of-use charges imposed by the vehicle rental company for the period of time the rental vehicle is out of service. Loss-of-use charges must be substantiated by a location- and class-specific fleet utilization log.
    3. Reasonable towing charges to the nearest factory-authorized collision repair facility.
  • If you or an authorized driver's primary automobile insurance or other indemnity has made payments for a covered loss, MasterRental will cover your deductible and any other eligible amounts not covered by other insurance.
  • Coverage is secondary to any other applicable insurance or coverage available to you. Coverage is limited to only those amounts not covered by any other insurance or coverage benefit.
Note: In certain parts of the United States and Canada, losses to rental vehicles that are covered by your personal vehicle insurance policy liability section may not be subject to a deductible, which means that you may not receive any benefits from this program. Please contact your insurance provider for full coverage details pertaining to your personal vehicle insurance policy.
  • If you have no other insurance or your insurance does not cover you in territories or countries outside of the United States, MasterRental is considered the primary coverage.
  • This coverage is not all-inclusive, which means it does not cover such things as personal injury, personal liability, or personal property. It does not cover you for any damages to other vehicles or property. It does not cover you for any injury to any party.
Who is covered:
  • The MasterCard cardmember and those designated in the vehicle rental agreement/contract as authorized drivers.
Excluded rental vehicles:
  • All trucks, pickups, full-size vans mounted on truck chassis, campers, off-road vehicles, and other recreational vehicles.
  • Trailers, motorbikes, motorcycles, and any other vehicle having fewer than four (4) wheels.
  • Antique vehicles (vehicles that are more than twenty (20) years old or have not been manufactured for at least ten (10) years) or limousines.
  • All sport utility trucks. These are vehicles that have been or can be converted to an open, flat-bed truck (including, but not limited to, Chevy Avalanche, GMC Envoy, and Cadillac Escalade EXT).
  • Any rental vehicle that has a manufacturer's suggested retail price that exceeds $50,000.
Where you are covered:
In general, coverage applies worldwide, but there are exceptions:
  • Coverage is not available for vehicles rented in the following countries: Ireland, Israel or Jamaica.
  • You may be unable to receive benefits in Australia, Italy, and New Zealand. Please contact your vehicle rental agency before you travel.
  • Coverage is not available where prohibited by law.
Coverage limitations:
  • MasterRental will pay the lesser of the actual repair amount, current market value (minus salvage), or $50,000 per incident for which the MasterCard cardmember or any other authorized driver is legally responsible to the rental agency.
  • MasterRental will not pay for or duplicate the Collision/Damage Waiver coverage offered by the rental agency.
What is NOT covered:
  • Any personal item stolen from the interior or exterior of a rental vehicle.
  • A vehicle not rented by the MasterCard cardmember or authorized user on a MasterCard account.
  • Any person not designated in the rental agreement/contract as an authorized driver.
  • Any obligations you assume other than that which are covered under MasterRental, or your primary vehicle insurance or other indemnity policy.
  • Any violation of the written terms and conditions of the rental agreement/contract.
  • Any loss that occurs while driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol; racing or reckless driving.
  • Losses involving the theft of the rental vehicle when the renter or authorized driver cannot produce the keys to the rental vehicle at the time of reporting the incident to the police and/or rental agency, as a result of negligence.
  • Mechanical failures caused by wear and tear, gradual deterioration, or mechanical breakdown.
  • Subsequent damages resulting from a failure to protect the rental vehicle from further damage.
  • Blowouts or tire/rim damage that is not caused by theft or vandalism or is not a result of a vehicle collision causing tire or rim damage.
  • Rental vehicles for which Collision/Damage Waiver coverage was accepted/purchased by you or given to you by the rental agency.
  • Any damage that is of an intentional or non-accidental nature, caused by the renter or authorized driver(s) of the rental vehicle. [Except for residents of the state of New York, this exclusion is modified by the following limitation. This exclusion does not apply if: 1.) an individual or joint cardmember is liable for damages to the rental vehicle under the rental agreement/contract or liable for the charges from damages to the rental vehicle under the credit card agreement; 2.) the individual or joint cardmember is a victim of domestic violence and did not cooperate in or contribute to the damage; 3.) the damage arises out of a pattern of criminal domestic violence; and 4.) the perpetrator of the damage is criminally prosecuted for the act or acts causing the damage for which a claim is being made under this coverage. For New York state residents, this modification does not apply and is not in effect.]
  • Depreciation, diminishment of value, administrative, or other fees charged by the vehicle rental company.
  • Vehicles with a rental agreement/contract that exceeds or is intended to exceed a rental period of fifteen (15) consecutive days from a rental agency.
  • Losses resulting from any kind of illegal activity.
  • Damage sustained on any surface other than a bound surface, such as concrete or tarmac.
  • Losses resulting from war or hostilities of any kind (including, but not limited to, invasion, terrorism, rebellion, insurrection, riot, or civil commotion); confiscation or damage by any government, public authority, or customs official; risks of contraband; illegal activity or acts.
  • Any loss involving the rental vehicle being used for hire, for commercial use, or as a public or livery conveyance.
  • Indirect or direct damages resulting from a covered claim.
  • Theft of, or damage to, unlocked or unsecured vehicles.
  • Value-added tax, or similar tax, unless reimbursement of such tax is required by law.
  • Vehicles rented in Ireland, Israel or Jamaica.
How to file a MasterRental Insurance claim:
  1. Call 1-800-MC-ASSIST to request a claim form. You must report the claim within thirty (30) days of the loss, or the claim may not be honored. You may choose to assign your benefits under this insurance program to the rental agency from which you rented your vehicle. Please contact 1-800-MC-ASSIST for further details.
  2. Submit the following documentation within one hundred eighty (180) days of the incident or the claim will not be honored:
    • Completed and signed claim form.
    • MasterCard receipt showing the rental.
    • MasterCard statement showing the rental.
    • Rental agreement (front and back).
    • Copy of valid driver's license (front and back).
    • Copy of the declarations page of the authorized driver's primary vehicle insurance and other valid coverage or insurance.
    • Report from police verifying that the vehicle was stolen, vandalized, or involved in a collision.
    • Itemized repair estimate from a factory-authorized collision repair facility.
    • Copy of the vehicle rental company promotion, if applicable.
    • Copy of the vehicle rental location- or class- specific fleet utilization log, if loss of use charges are being claimed. You must secure this log from the rental agency.
    • Any other documentation that reasonably may be requested to validate a claim.

MR-1 (12-04)

General Provisions
This Summary is not a policy or contract of insurance or other contract.
Benefits are purchased by MasterCard and provided free to you, but non-insurance services may have associated costs, which will be your responsibility.
MasterRental® Insurance is provided under a master policy of insurance issued by Virginia Surety Company, Inc.
This Summary is intended as a summary of benefits provided to you. All information about the insurance benefits listed in this Summary is governed by the conditions, limitations, and exclusions of the master policy.
As the insurer of the MasterCard coverage described herein, Virginia Surety Company, Inc. ("VSC") collects personal information about you from the following sources: information the insurers gather from you; from your request for insurance coverage, or other forms you furnish to the insurer, such as your name, address, telephone number; and from information about your transactions with the insurer, such as claims made and benefits paid. The insurer may disclose all information it collects, as described above, to companies that perform administrative or other services on our behalf solely in connection with the insurance coverage you have received. The insurer does not disclose any personal information about former insureds to anyone, except as required by law. The insurer restricts access to personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information in order to provide coverage to you. The insurer maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your personal information. Should you have any questions about the insurance procedures or the information contained within your file, please contact the insurer by writing to: Compliance Department, Virginia Surety Company, Inc., 1000 North Milwaukee Avenue, Glenview, IL 60025.
Effective date of benefits:
Effective September 1, 2006, this Summary replaces all prior disclosures, program descriptions, advertising, and brochures by any party. MasterCard, your issuer, and the insurer reserve the right to change the benefits and features of these programs at anytime.
Citi can cancel these benefits at any time or choose not to renew the insurance coverage for all cardmembers. If Citi does, you will be notified at least sixty (60) days in advance. If the insurance company terminates, cancels, or chooses not to renew the coverage to your issuer, you will be notified as soon as is practicable. Insurance benefits will still apply for any benefits you were eligible for prior to the date of such terminations, cancellation, or non-renewal, subject to the terms and conditions of coverage.
Benefits to you: These benefits apply only to MasterCard cardmembers whose cards are issued by U.S. financial institutions. The United States is defined as the fifty (50) United States, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. No person or entity other than the MasterCard cardmember shall have any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim for benefits, insurance proceeds, and damages under or arising out of these programs.
These benefits do not apply if your card privileges have been cancelled. However, insurance benefits will still apply for any benefit you were eligible for prior to the date that your account is suspended or cancelled, subject to the terms and conditions of coverage.
Transfer of rights or benefits: No rights or benefits provided under these insurance benefits may be assigned without the prior written consent of the claim administrator for these benefits.
Misrepresentation and Fraud: Benefits shall be void if the MasterCard cardmember has concealed or misrepresented any material facts concerning this coverage.
Due Diligence: All parties are expected to exercise due diligence to avoid or diminish any theft, loss, or damage to the property insured under these programs. "Due diligence" means the performance of all vigilant activity, attentiveness, and care that would be taken by a reasonable and prudent person in the same or similar circumstances in order to guard and protect the item.
Subrogation: If payment is made under these benefits, the insurance company is entitled to recover such amounts from other parties or persons. Any party or cardmember who receives payment under these benefits must transfer to the insurance company his or her rights to recovery against any other party or person and must do everything necessary to secure these rights and must do nothing that would jeopardize them, or these rights will be recovered from the cardmember.
Salvage: If an item cannot be repaired, the claim administrator may request that the cardmember or gift recipient to send the broken item to the administrator for salvage at the cardmember's or gift recipient's expense. Failure to remit the requested item for salvage to the claim administrator may result in denial of the claim.

In no event will these insurance benefits apply as contributing insurance. The non-contribution insurance clause will take precedence over the non-contribution clause found in any other insurance policies. Benefits listed in this Summary are subject to the conditions, limitations, and exclusions described in each benefit section. Receipt and possession of this Summary does not guarantee coverage or coverage availability.

This Summary is intended as a summary of services, benefits, and coverages and, in case of a conflict between the Summary and the master insurance policies, or a member's, or the MasterCard actual offerings, such master policies or actual offering shall control.

FLD-2 (3-05)

© 2006 Citibank, N.A. and Citibank USA, N.A.
Citibank is a registered service mark of Citigroup Inc.
MasterCard® is a registered trademark of MasterCard International Incorporated.

Best Buy Citi Credit Card Rental Car Coverage
